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Inv-83: Islams utveckling i Bosnien-Herzegovina
Översikt över utvecklingen
2018-02-08: pan-7852 Drömmen om en islamisk ordning.
Bosnisk och bosniakisk identitet
---: pan-9122 Bosniaker.
---: pan-9124 Why were Bosniaks treated more favourably than today’s Muslim refugees? On differing narratives of identity, religion and security.
2005-12-: pan-9125 Changing Contexts and Redefinitions of Identity among Bosniaks in Slovenia.
2018-: pan-9123 Is it true that Bosniaks are by origin Serbs/Croats who chose Islam over Christianity? 11 Answers.
2018-10-14: pan-9181 How foreign involvement fuelled ethnic nationalism in Bosnia.
Bosnien som utgångspunkt för en europeisk islam
2006-04-12: pan-7882 Islam in Europe.
2007-: pan-7876 Everyday Euro-Islam.
2007: pan-7854 Islam in Europe Bosnian Islam as a Model?.
2006-03-16: pan-7879 Islam: A Declaration Of European Muslims.
2007-: pan-7888 The Profile of Bosnian Islam And How West European Muslims Could Benefit from It .
2017-12-22: pan-7881 A Model for Europe? History and Practice of Islam in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
2018-03-22: pan-7987 Visionen om en islamisk ordning: Sverige, Bosnien, Europa.
Allmänna artiklar
2005-: pan-7877 I Am a Muslim -- Don't Panic!.
2012-: pan-7887 September 11, 1683: Myth of a Christian Europe and the Massacre in Norway.
2016-09-25: pan-9100 Bosniens instabilitet -- en risk för hela Europa.
2016-10-07: pan-7886 Can Sharia Law Prevail Human Rights?.
2016-11-03: pan-7885 Disillusioned militancy: the crisis of militancy and variables of disengagement of the European Muslim Brotherhood.
2018-09-01: pan-8734 Bosnia and Herzegovina is Andalusia in the making.
Valen i Bosnien i oktober 2018
2018-10-04: pan-9070 Bosnia-Herzegovina gears up for vote amid political frustration .
2018-10-05: pan-9099 dublett = 9098.
Aktuella händelser
2018-06-06: pan-7889 Bosnia’s politicians are arguing about a mysterious wave of arrivals.
Artiklar av och om särskilda personer
Av och om Alija Izetbegović
---: pan-9130 Alija Izetbegović.
2003-10-20: pan-9131 Alija Izetbegovic / Obituary.
---: pan-9132 Islamic Declaration / by Alija Izetbegović.
1984-: pan-340 Submission to God; excerpt from his book 'Islam between East and West' (now missing).
Av Mustafa Cerić (inklusive intervjuer)
2004-: pan-7875 Interview with Mustafa Ceric: The West Does Not Want to Share Its Values.
2005-: pan-7874 A Conversation with Dr. Mustafa Ceric.
2006-03-16: pan-7879 Islam: A Declaration Of European Muslims.
2008-07-01: pan-7880 Excerpt from: Travels Among Europe's Muslim Neighbours: The Quest for Democracy.
2016-: pan-7883 Excerpt from: Rediscovering the Umma: Muslims in the Balkans Between Nationalism and Transnationalism.
2017-: pan-7878 Invitation: A Declaration of European Muslims.
Om Mustafa Cerić
2007-05-21: pan-7856 Six Questions for Mustafa Cerić.
2008-: pan-7853 Bosnian Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric -- A Bridge Builder or a Closet Fundamentalist?.
2010-12-11: pan-7858 Mustafa Ceric urged Muslims to conquer the world through Halal movement.
2014-05-18: pan-7857 Mustafa Ceric.
2014-09-12: pan-7855 Ceric Connects Religion and Law.
Om Ratko Mladić
2016-12-05: pan-9128 At Genocide Trial, Prosecutor Says Mladic Wanted Muslims To 'Vanish Completely'.
2016-12-09: pan-9129 Bosnian Serb leader blames Muslims for 'preparing for war'.
2017-11-22: pan-9126 Ratko Mladic: Who is the 'Butcher of Bosnia' and what has the former Serb general been charged with?.
2017-11-26: pan-9127 Why Did Ratko Mladic Commit Genocide Against Bosnia’s Muslims?.