Inv-156: Muslim critique of Europe
2018-12-20: pan-9970 Läs det här i stället för Edward Saids uttjatade 'Orientalism' / Om 'Occidentalism' av Ian Buruma och Avisha Margalit. Erik Helmerson i DN.
2018-02-12: pan-10377 Islamic modernity and the challenges for secular liberalism. Stefaan Blancke i Wiley.
Discusses a book by Taner Edis where he argues that as challenges to secular liberalism, 'muslim modernity' has a stronger hand than what muslim orthodoxy has.
Claims that Europe has 'hated islam' since centuries
2017-06-16: pan-10281 Where does Chinese Islamophobia come from?. Eliot Evans i supchina.
2018-12-22: pan-10007 Muslim cleansing: A global pandemic?. Hamid Dabashi i Aljazeera.
2019-01-21: pan-10280 Chinese Islamophobia was made in the West. Mobashra Tazamal i Aljazeera.
Arguments about the lack of 'morality' in the West, including Europe
2012-12-11: pan-9409 The Impossible State. Islam, Politics, and Modernity’s Moral Predicament. Wael B. Hallaq i Columbia University Press.
The following two articles discuss different aspects of the contents of this book:
Wael Hallaqs kritik av moderniteten red-146 (2018-11-05).
Wael Hallaqs kritik av den moderna statens och lagstiftningens moraliska
legitimitet red-147 (2018-11-25).