Inv-167: Globala miljöförändringar
2019-02-25: pan-10713 Concrete: the most destructive material on Earth . i TheGuardian.
2019-03-12: pan-10998 Resource extraction responsible for half world?s carbon emissions . Jonathan Watts i TheGuardian.
2019-02-08: pan-10476 Sanslöst nonsens angående Himalaya med omnejd. Ingemar Nordin i Klimatupplysningen.
2019-02-04: pan-10477 A third of Himalayan ice cap doomed, finds report. David Carrington i TheGuardian.
2019-01-08: pan-10478 When the ice melts: the catastrophe of vanishing glaciers. i TheGuardian.
2015-05-27: pan-10479 Most glaciers in Mount Everest area will disappear with climate change -- study . John Vidal i TheGuardian.
2019-08-03: pan-12739 Uppgift om värmerekord på Grönlands inlandsis var felaktig. i DN.
2019-08-18: pan-12792 'Our people are dying': Australia’s climate confrontation in the Pacific. i TheGuardian.
2019-11-18: pan-13665 När IPCC-fuskarna avslöjades: Climategate 10 år. Ingemar Nordin i Klimatupplysningen.
2019-11-20: pan-13690 The climate science is clear: it's now or never to avert catastrophe. Bill McKibben i TheGuardian.
2019-11-21: pan-13698 How our home delivery habit reshaped the world. i TheGuardian.
2019-11-06: pan-13721 11.000 forskare varnar: Akut klimatkris på jorden. i DN.
2019-11-22: pan-13733 Extinction Rebellions krig mot arbetarklassen. Brendan O'Neill i DGS.
2019-11-25: pan-13763 Are electric vehicles really so climate friendly?. i TheGuardian.
2019-11-26: pan-13774 Yes, electric vehicles really are better than fossil fuel burners. i TheGuardian.
2019-02-22: pan-13781 Vindkraft ett snabbt växande problem -- den är varken förnybar, hållbar, miljövänlig eller klimatsmart. i Allehanda.
2019-11-29: pan-13800 Klimataktivisten som vill 'frälsa' världen. Lennart Bengtsson i DGS.
2019-07-17: pan-13876 Former terror chief warns Extinction Rebellion ‘are extreme anarchist group'. i Energy Live News.
2019-12-04: pan-13882 Climate models have accurately predicted global heating, study finds. i TheGuardian.
2019-12-08: pan-13958 'Behålla kärnkraften viktigt i förnyelse av S klimatpolitik'. i DN.
2019-12-11: pan-13999 Europe must lead on the climate crisis. The European Green Deal shows how. Ursula von der Leyen i TheGuardian.
Björn Wimans artiklar i frågan
2018-11-30: pan-9770 Ytligt -- lyft blicken Björn Wiman. Torbjörn Elensky i SvD.